Whether you frequently use Facetime or are a casual user, you must have known about the Facetime reactions that have been recently added to this video calling app. These reactions are solely introduced for adding emotions to your video calls, thus making the overall experience engrossing and interactive.

However, since Apple has launched multiple reactions, people are often confused about the options and wonder how to use them using hand gestures. Are you one of them? Don’t worry, as we’ve got you covered. This guide walks you through the complete Facetime Reactions list and unveils the stepwise instructions to use them. Let’s get started.

Also See: How to fix iOS 17 FaceTime gestures not working?

What are Different Facetime Reactions Available?

Without wasting any further seconds, let’s dive into the complete Facetime Reactions list and see what you can use to make your video calling more interesting than ever.

  • Red Hearts
  • Dislike
  • Balloons
  • Confetti
  • Raining
  • Like
  • Dislike
  • Fireworks
  • Stormy Rains
  • Laser Beams
  • Love

Each of these reactions can be triggered by using your hand gestures, such as making the shape of a heart with both hands to produce Red Hearts or drawing two gestures of a peace sign to bring the confetti effects.

What are the steps to trigger Facetime Reactions on iOS 17?

While using Facetime Reactions and remembering the hand gestures might seem difficult at once, it is actually simple and hassle-free. Here’s how to trigger these reactions and get started. But before jumping into the steps, make sure your device is running on the latest iteration of iOS; otherwise, these steps won’t make any sense for you.

Here’s how.

  1. Launch the Facetime app on your iPhone or iPad and make a video call to one of your contacts.
  2. Once the connection is established between you and the recipient, ensure you are in the frame.
  3. Perform the thumbs-up gesture, and Facetime records it immediately.
  4. It then shows a Like reaction on the screen, and that’s how you can trigger these reactions.

Tips & Tricks to Get the Most of Facetime Reactions

Now that you are aware of the basics, it’s time to learn about the major tips and tricks to make the most of Facetime Reactions. Scroll down and have a closer look.

  • The caller must make sure that he or she fits in the frame well. Facetime will record your reaction only and only if you are in the camera frame.
  • Always use the front camera to make hand gestures and get reactions. Facetime Reactions won’t work properly if you create gestures using the rear camera.
  • Facetime Reactions is all about making hand gestures. So, ensure you perform it correctly to get the reaction. If you are doing the gestures wrong, Facetime won’t recognize them, and you’ll end up with nothing.
  • Place your iPhone at the right distance, as sometimes Facetime is unable to record gestures when you hold the device so close to your face.


It’s all that we know about the iOS 17 Facetime Reactions. For the time being, Apple has added only a few reactions to its Facetime collection. But we hope it will launch new options soon after analyzing its success. These reactions are mainly added to make the video-calling experience more expressive than ever.

So, what are you waiting for? Update your device, learn the hand gestures, and convey your emotions more easily than ever before.