Screens have drastically changed the way we used to live before, be it smartphone screens, TVs, or laptops. But do you know the downsides? Screens greatly affect our eyes, leading to myopia and other eye-related concerns. Moreover, it adversely affects our mental and physical well-being, making us lethargic while keeping us away from the beautiful world out there.

With that in mind, Apple has finally taken a bold step and launched the Screen Distance feature. It is solely introduced to keep children and even adults away from their smartphones for a while and see what’s happening around them. In this guide, we’ll delve into the comprehensive details about the iOS 17 Screen Distance and how to set up the option to get started. So, are you ready?


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What is Screen Distance on iPhone – A Complete Introduction

Screen Distance – the world is quite self-explanatory!! Screen Distance is the latest feature launched with iOS 17. It aims at reducing your screen time, thus protecting your eyes and mind from continuous screen usage.

The feature is turned on by default for children under 13 in a Family Sharing group. Once you activate the Screen Distance, it alerts a user and gives a warning sign whenever it identifies the device is held at an unsafe distance. The warning pop-up goes away automatically when the device is kept at a safe distance.

How Does iOS 17 Screen Distance Work?

People are getting crazy over this new and worthy Screen Distance feature – after all, it helps them keep a distance between children and smartphones without being too aggressive. So, how does it work and detect the safe and unsafe distance? Before you start using the feature, let’s find out all the tidbits of this new feature and get a clear idea behind the concept.

  • The Screen Distance feature mainly utilizes the iPhone’s TrueDepth camera to detect when somebody holds the iPhone closer than 30cm or 12 inches.
  • It instantly generates a warning whenever your kid or even you hold the device closer than 12 inches and motivates you to position it at a safe distance.

Screen Distance is an opt-in feature. So, if you are worried about your kids’ well-being, you should turn the feature on and ensure the well-being of your family.

What are the Steps to Enable the Screen Distance on your iPhone?

Now that you know the basics of the Screen Distance feature, it’s time to enable the feature and ensure your kids remain away from screens as much as possible. Let’s find the instructions here.

  1. First thing first – make sure your device is upgraded to iOS 17. The screen distance is an iOS 17 exclusive; hence, it works only on iPhones running the latest iteration.
  2. Go to the “Settings” tab and select the “Screen Time” option. It is located in the second block of options, below Focus but above General.
  3. Tap “Screen Distance”.
  4. Press Continue on the two information screens. The next two screens explain what the Screen Distance feature is and what its advantages are.
  5. Toggle the button next to the Screen Distance, and it’s done.
  6. Test the Screen Distance feature for yourself and see if it’s working as intended.


It’s time to wrap up the guide. iOS 17 is loaded with tons of customer-friendly features, and the Screen Distance is one of them. It is mainly launched to alleviate the strain on the eyes while motivating kids and adults to spend time with their family and friends or engage in healthy activities.

It also helps reduce the near-sightedness in kids, thus ensuring their overall well-being. That’s all for now. Use the steps above to enable the Screen Distance feature and save your eyeballs from unnecessary pain and screen engagement.