Vivastreet is one of the world’s largest and most popular classifieds platforms, with over six million live ads across a wide range of categories.

For iOS users who want to easily browse, post, and manage classified ads on the go, the Vivastreeti OS app can be a perfect companion, but Vivastreet is not available on the Apple App Store. Then how do you download Vivastreet APK on iOS?

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Is Vivastreet for iOS available?

No, Vivastreet no longer officially supports iOS, and their app is not available on the App Store. The Vivastreet iOS app was discontinued sometime around 2018. Here is an official page from Vivastreet that says it is no longer available for iPhone.

The only way to access Vivastreet on an iPhone or iPad is through the mobile website in the device’s web browser. You can go to to access the mobile site. This allows you to view listings and search for items but lacks some app features.

Can I Download Vivastreet APK on iOS?

The Vivastreet app is not available for download on iOS devices through the App Store. Vivastreet was previously available on the App Store, but the app has since been removed and is no longer supported on iOS.

There is no way to sideload the Vivastreet APK file onto an iOS device. APK files are meant for Android apps, not iOS apps. iOS has much stricter security and app installation policies that prevent sideloading unsigned IPA app files from third-party sources.

Why is the Vivastreet app not on iOS anymore?

Vivastreet likely discontinued iOS support due to the small market share and extra development work required to maintain the iOS app.

iOS accounts for only about 25% of mobile device market share globally, compared to 75% for Android. So, from a business perspective, it made sense for Vivastreet to focus development on Android only.

Maintaining two separate native apps on different platforms requires significant extra engineering resources. Removing iOS support allowed Vivastreet to concentrate on improving the Android experience.

Final Words

the Vivastreet APK cannot be downloaded on iOS devices because iOS does not support APK files or app sideloading. Vivastreet no longer offers an official iOS app, but the mobile website can still be accessed through the Safari browser on iPhones and iPads. Android remains the only mobile platform that supports the full native Vivastreet app.