Facetime has evolved significantly over the years. From a simple video calling app to the most intuitive iPhone module, things have changed in a positive direction. FaceTime is an integral part of iPhone users’ life. Therefore, Apple strives to add new and exciting features with every iOS update to make virtual interactions interactive and engaging.

So, if you are wondering about the latest FaceTime features, this guide should captivate your attention. Keep scrolling the page and find out everything about Facetime and what’s new it has brought to your table this time. Let’s have a look.

Also see: How To Use Contact Share on iPhone iOS 17

What Can You Expect from FaceTime on iOS 17?

iOS 17 has already been rolled out a few days back, and users are curiously looking for hidden and coolest features. Like all previous iterations, iOS 17 again refined Facetime and added new and modern features to make your communication more immersive.

But while features like Facetime reactions have garnered huge attention, there are some that have still not caught on camera. The guide will take you through all the new Facetime features on iOS 17. Trust me, the journey is worth every step and will definitely make your interactions seamless like never before. Let the treasure hunt begin.

·         Facetime Reactions

Let’s begin with the basics. Who on this planet doesn’t know about Facetime Reactions? Whether you are an iPhone user or not, the concept of reactions in video calls has taken the world by storm, and everyone is talking about the same.

These reactions are added to make your conversations a bit more lively and engaging. These are ideal for those users who cannot express many feelings and emotions in words but can show their happiness through reactions.

The best part – you can use these reactions simply with hand gestures. Show different fingers or hands on the screen clearly and fill your screen with emoticons.

·         Video messages

There are times when the other person is busy or unable to pick up your Facetime call. But what if you want to deliver an urgent message? Worry not, as the new iOS update has put this question to the end for good.

Now, users can leave a video message for another user so that he or she can hear it with the same excitement as they would feel if they picked up the call. Interesting, isn’t it?

Any recorded message you receive will be stored in the Facetime’s Recent tab, along with your missed calls. Besides, you can even take Facetime calls, audio only, on your Apple watch.

·         Use Facetime on Apple TV

Still looking for more? Thankfully, there’s one more update you cannot afford to miss. Users can now display their Facetime video calls on Apple TV. Yes, you read it right. Imagine how interactive it is to receive calls on such a big screen.

Tap into the camera on your iPhone, iPad, or MacBook, and display your Facetime screen on the Apple TV in less than a second.


Facetime is an integral app in Apple’s ecosystem, and the company takes every possible step to make it more engaging and immersive. The basic motto of all the major Facetime upgrades is to provide users with a new way to express themselves. Besides, users can now customize how they appear during the Facetime call, thus enjoying a completely personalized experience.

Don’t wait any longer, and update your iPhone to iOS 17 right away to make the most of Facetime’s new features.